Controlled Drugs Information Hub

NHS England Midlands – West Controlled Drugs Team          

NHS England (NHSE) has a statutory duty to ensure that safe systems are in place for the management and use of controlled drugs. This is to prevent harm to patients and staff from any misuse of controlled drugs.

NHSE Midlands – West Controlled Drugs (CD) team is led by the Controlled Drug Accountable Officer (CDAO).

Controlled Drug Accountable Officer Amit Dawda
Contact Email
Contact Telephone 07783 822994 


Reporting incidents and concerns involving Controlled Drugs

All incidents and concerns involving controlled drugs (Sch 1 – 5) should be reported to the CDAO. This provides assurance that any risks have been mitigated and prompts any necessary action to be taken. Reporting also allows for the identification of themes in reported incidents from which learning can be shared across the system. Reports should be made in a timely manner.

You can report an incident or concern online at

CD Reporting Portal upgrade – 1 December 2022

The CD reporting portal has been updated and requires you to re-register when you first need to log in. Please use the Registration Guidance to support you through this process.

This guide will advise and support the submission of an Report An Incident – How To Guide.

Destruction Controlled Drugs

Stock Controlled Drugs

All stocks of Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs must be witnessed by a person authorised by the CDAO. Any stocks of controlled drugs in Schedule 3, and 4 (Part 1) must be denatured before being disposed of by healthcare staff that are lawfully in possession of these.

The premises should have a ‘T28 exemption’ from the Environment Agency that permits this activity for the relevant registered premises.

You can request a destruction online at

Please note that if the pharmacy is in a limited company of 5 or more pharmacies in the chain, the organisation must apply for their own Authorised Witness (AW). Therefore, we recommend you seek advice from your Superintendent Pharmacist (SI).  If you are not sure if your organisation falls in this category, please contact the Controlled Drugs team at for assistance.

Patient Returns of Controlled Drugs

Patient return Controlled Drugs for Schedule 2, 3 and 4 (Part 1) can be destroyed without the presence of an AW however the destruction should be witnessed by another colleague and logs kept of destructions e.g. a Controlled Drugs Patient Returns Book. A ‘T28 exemption’ must also be in place for this to be undertaken.

Community Pharmacy Private CD Code

If you work at a community pharmacy and need a private CD contractor code to submit private CD prescriptions, email the team via to apply for the code.

They will review your application and provide you with your PIN once approved.