Safeguarding and Child Sexual Exploitation Contacts (Dudley MASH)
Concerned about a child, adult or young person? Not quite sure what to do?…this service may be for you.
There is a new advice line for professionals in Dudley who want to speak to a social worker informally about concerns they may have about a child, adult or young person.
The new line will give professionals who work with children and families the opportunity to have an informal chat about the right course of action to take, without the need to make a formal safeguarding referral. No identifying information should be shared.
Professionals are advised to call the normal MASH telephone number on 0300 555 0050 and press 7.
Please note this is a ‘ghost line’ and therefore you will not be offered the option 7.
(Out of Hours: 0300 555 8574 )
If the line is busy, you will need to call back as there is no message facility. If you have an urgent safeguarding matter please call the Police on 999 or MASH option 4 to make a referral.
The line is open 9am-5pm Mon- Fri.